Ben Horsfield

Ben Horsfield - Microsolve Operations Manager



Ben is a seasoned professional with over 13 years of experience in the Information Technology industry. As Operations Manager at Microsolve for the past 1 year 7 months, Ben places great importance on employee well-being, fostering a positive work culture that prioritises the physical and mental health of team members.

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Armed with a Diploma in Information Technology Networking, Certificate IV in Small Business Management and Diploma in Leadership & Management, Ben is your go-to expert for technical solutions. With his people-first attitude and collaborative leadership style, excellent communication skills and lifelong learning mindset, Ben has a proven track record of successfully delivering complex projects, nurturing innovation and leading positive change on behalf of Microsolve.

When asked what makes him good at his job, Ben's answer was: "I strive to empower others to achieve their goals, and I find personal fulfilment in seeing them succeed."

"Be excellent to each other" - Bill & Ted - is the quote that best describes Ben's attitude to his work life. 

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