Engaging Older People in System Design

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Engage Older People in System Design

Microsolve recently held a showcase to demonstrate new technology which will be used at Warrigal’s new Shell Cove Aged Facility.

Microsolve representatives Martin Struzka, Melinda Liberato and Matthew Lear made the presentation to Warrigal CEO Mark Sewell and senior executives Leanne Taylor, Ben Van Lierop and David Macdonald as well as new Shell Cove residents, members of Warrigal’s Older Person Advisory Board (made up of customer representatives from their existing facilities) and Helen Hassan (academic in older persons use of technology).

The key messages of the showcase provided an update for new customers on the Shell Cove facility as well as providing an awareness of the new technology that will be available.

Microsolve’s Service Delivery Manager, Martin Struzka, said the showcase reinforced the message that the Shell Cove Aged Care Facility is going to be a new way of living and will be all about choice for older persons.

“Our aim was to validate that the technology being delivered was going to be utilised by end users and prove to Warrigal that we can deliver the technology required,” Martin said.

“For both Microsolve and Warrigal it was great to get direct feedback from customers around how we can introduce the portals to both the new facility and eventually the existing Warrigal facilities.” 

Martin said it also provided Warrigal with an opportunity to give new Shell Cove customers a progress report on the new facility.

He said a sample of the new Customer Portal, primarily centred around financial transactions, was showcased on the day.

“There was overwhelming positive feedback from the customers with lots of great suggestions around training. Microsolve’s Project and Transition Manager Melinda Liberato said she was personally delighted to see the enthusiasm of the customers who attended the showcase.

“I thought there would be some resistance to the technology, and to be honest I could not have been more wrong,” she said.

“This was a fantastic example of how we partner with our clients to achieve great outcomes.”

The cherry on the cake was the success of the showcase, with a lovely thank you from Mark Sewell posted on Twitter.