The Role of the MSP in Public Cloud

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Microsolve - The Role of the MSP in Public Cloud

Cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure (Azure) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) have collectively arrived at a "shared responsibility" model for the security of cloud-based resources. These providers define their role as the cloud's security and leave the Security of what is IN the cloud to the end client.

Many MSPs are happy to accept this model and provide very simplistic guidance to the client in what is required to meet an acceptable level of IN CLOUD security.

Microsolve is NOT one of these MSPs! We appreciate, understand and manage the complexity of the in-cloud security requirements (using vendor-leading practices, toolsets and reporting) to provide our clients with the best solution possible - vendor-provided security OF the cloud, Service Provider managed security IN the cloud and client management within the application(s).

Microsolve's MSP Cloud Model

Microsolve's MSP Model


The effectiveness of Microsolve's MSP cloud model lies in its compliance with the accepted vendor practices, combined with a commitment to deliver high-quality IT services tailored to each client's specific needs. Understanding your business needs is crucial when navigating MSP models, and Microsolve's comprehensive approach could be the perfect fit.

Selecting the right MSP model is a vital decision for your business. It can significantly influence your IT operations and the company's growth and success. This journey involves understanding the available models, their pros and cons, and evaluating how they align with your unique business needs. 

Choosing the right MSP Model is crucial for your business. It dramatically impacts IT operations, growth, and success. Understand the available models, their advantages and disadvantages, and evaluate their alignment with your business needs.

Microsolve's remarkable flexibility and adaptive approach make it a standout in the MSP landscape, catering to organisations' diverse and unique business requirements. Whether you are a budding small start-up venturing into the market or a well-established corporation looking to optimise operations, Microsolve is passionately dedicated to helping you discover the ideal MSP model that perfectly aligns with your distinctive needs and aspirations.

We invite you to contact Microsolve for further advice and support. Navigating MSP models doesn't have to be daunting – let Microsolve guide you to an IT future that aligns with your business vision and ambitions. Your perfect MSP fit is just a conversation away.

We are dedicated to providing our clients with the most secure, reliable, and cost-effective solutions for their business needs. Our experienced professionals are available to answer questions, develop customised solutions, and assist customers in utilising cutting-edge technology.


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